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>> return to Cedeus IDE

There exists two options to retrieve metadata from GeoNode:

  • using OGC CSW standard, and
  • using the GeoNode - Django API.

Using GeoNode CSW

Geonode comes with pyCSW installed (see FAQ pyCSW). The general backend is:


And a request can look like that:


As one can see the results include spatial and non-spatial records (i.e. the first document below is a pdf). Another option is to use a CSW plugin for GeoServer (but this is of course not installed for GeoNode).

CSW Output - Screenshot

Using GeoNode API

when using the Search field of GeoNode an API request is done. However, unfortunately the response seems to be a html document. So, I am not sure we can use this for a search from a remote website.

A GET request (as send from the search field) looks like this:


And the response starts like this:

{"success": true, "facets": {"map": 0, "layer": 2, "raster": 1, "vector": 1, "user": 0, "document": 0}, 
"results": [{"category": "imageryBaseMapsEarthCover", "rating": 0.0, "_type": "layer", "name": "cediz-images:COPIAPO", "links": ...