Setting up walkyourplace
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Steps to Install the WalkYourPlace tool for Santiago
General prep steps
- create new Ubuntu 12.04 VM with LA(M)PS ( 7773, lautaro:17022)
- install tomcat 7 (or jetty)
- install GeoServer + WPS plugin
- install Php cURL (
- geoserver should run on port 8080, otherwise modify "call_wps.php".
- install OpenTripPlanner (running on GeoNode VM ( - and compile graph with
- Santiago OSM data
- Santiago GTFS data
- => test if it works
- install PostgreSQL + PostGIS (17032 : db: wypdb)
- install PostgreSQL
Install for Calgary
- Install DBs
- install crime DB (for the crimes, we considered 12 types of crime as listed in : weighing is in
- install GTFS DB
- get Browser client code "WPSClient"
- modify browser client end point (WPS, etc.) in file call_wps.php to
- put in apache's /var/www/ (i.e. /var/www/wypwps)
- note: the map tiles, as defined in js/main.js, will still come from{z}/{x}/{y}.png However, in case the TileServer is down its possible to add OSM map with
var osmmap = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {attribution: 'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'});
plus adding this to the layer selection plus as default layer (PS: also remove setting of the map bounds, seemap.setMaxBounds(bounds);
- get backend code
- GeoServer WPS servers *.jar files = on for each model => install in GeoServers */WEB-INF/lib folder => restart GeoServer
- check if it works with
- GeoProcessing Engine (access model code in Python) => put in any folder
- modify the postgres DB access in postgis.conf
- next I would also need modify the OpenTripPlaner URL in in the jar of the WPS module = model. However, I am not having the sources right now, so the Walkshed request is send to the GISciencegroup server.
- install "psycopg2" python modul which allows access to PostgrSQL
pip install psycopg2
(for that, install before "python-dev" and "libpq-dev") - start each model with ""
- it may be necessary to change in using
or something (see here). At the moment I am starting the scripts using commandlinepython &
. - the Management Service (for pedestrian network) will listen on
- the Crime Service will listen on
- the Aggregation Service will listen on
- the POI Service will listen on
- My running processes I can see then with
ps -u ssteinig
- it may be necessary to change in using
- Note, not sure, but in the GeoServer URL is defined with - maybe this needs to be changed (for use in a VM???)
- GeoServer WPS servers *.jar files = on for each model => install in GeoServers */WEB-INF/lib folder => restart GeoServer
- test ic Calgary works
- this is how a request for the pedestrian network model for calgary looks like:
GET call_wps.php?wps=pedestrian&start_point=51.05747321278561,-114.0794563293457&walking_time_period=15&walking_speed=1.38&distance_decay_function=false
- this is how a request for the pedestrian network model for calgary looks like:
Modify code for Santiago
- install PyCharm to modify client code and backend code
- GeoServer WPS location (IP/address)
- Postgres location and access: postgis.conf
- Tileserver location/code in client
- remove crime calculation in
- deploy code:
- client side code => install on var/www/ of apache server
- if there are no changes: GeoProcessing Engine(s) => put in whatever folder and run ""
- GeoServer WPS servers *.jar files => put in GeoServers */WEB-INF/lib folder (requires restart of GeoServer)
- Test