IDEs de Chile existente

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Nombre normas, standards software visor
IDE Chile WMS, KML ESRI products + Open Source Visor based on ArcGIS Server (also asked about AGS-Online)
SNIT - GeoNodo WMS, KML, + ??? GeoNodo 2 & 3: Version 3: GeoNetwork, GeoServer, OpenLayers, ExtJs +? Visor Demo V2 : OpenLayers-based (WMS, KML)
MOP WMS, ?REST? ( ESRI products still in works, but
  • Red Viales: Flex Viewer
  • Dir. de Aguas: Visor/Maps Example 1, Example 2 : ArcGIS Online based ... iOS: hay que installar aplicacion ArcGIS por primera vez
MINVU - Observatorio Urbano n/a MapServer, GeoClip, en cambio para ESRI en cambio, viejo:
 :) MINAGRI extern: WMS, WFS, WPS (download), WCS, CSW (MetaDatos), KML, only intern?: WFS-T GeoNetwork, GeoServer, MapServer, PostGIS, MapFish (ExtJS, GeoExt + OpenLayers), 52N WPS, GeoWeb Cache, deegree OpenLayers based SNIT visor
Min. Medio Amb. - IDE MMA SINIA KML ESRI Visor ArcGIS, Sliverlight, en trabajo... (ref.
SERNAGEOMIN - PortalGeoMin  ??? ESRI 2 visores
CEDIZ - no IDE pero aplicacion n/a OpenLayers Visor: Emision de Certificado de Zonificacion - OL-based
IGM, FACH, ... ESRI IGM WebMap: ArcGIS Api for Flex
ONEMI (Alertas) n/a n/a no encontre
Bio Bio - Unidad de Gestion de Informacion Territorial WMS, KML GeoNodo 2 (from SNIT) : Visor OL-based
 :) Los Rios - IDE LR WMS, KML/GML/SHP, WFS GeoNodo 2?, MapFish (OpenLayers + ExtJS) [Visor] OL-based
Coquimbo n/a ESRI ArcGIS Server Ejemplo A - based on ArcGIS Flex viewer
Maipu n/a ESRI ArcGIS Server Ejemplo A basado en flexviewer, ArcGIS Server
Santiago n/a n/a Visor: Plan Regulador Muni Stgo : no tengo idea, como funciono (php?)
IDE Uni BioBio - Laboratorio de Estudios Urbanos WMS, WFS, WCs, CSW, Tile Caching via WMTS (not from SNIT) : OpenLayer + GeoExt (GeoExplorer) , GeoServer, PostGIS, GeoWebcache, pyCSW (etc.: Bootstrap, jQuery, Python + Django) Ejemplo A, Ejemplo B basado en OL

Notes: Observation on GitHub: It looks like GeoNode and GeoNodeChile/GeoNodo 3 team has similar members (GeoNodeChile: Jorge Montesinos, Fernando Leal)... so Version 3 of GeoNodo is similar to GeoNode (may explain switch from MapServer to GeoServer). blabla