Converting GPX files to Shapefiles

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This was from a OpenJUMP GIS user, sent on the OJ user email list (21 Nov. 2011):

You can use ogr2ogr for converting GPX files into shapefiles. Note that there are several layers in a GPX file as listed by ogrinfo

C:\data\OSM>ogrinfo test.gpx

Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `test.gpx'
      using driver `GPX' successful.
1: waypoints (Point)
2: routes (Line String)
3: tracks (Multi Line String)
4: route_points (Point)
5: track_points (Point)

Command to use is like

ogrinfo -f "ESRI Shapefile" tracks_out.shp test.gpx tracks

- f outputformat (optional in this case, .shp is the default) output file input file input layer

GPX plugin and live GPS has worked for me but I have not used them recently.

-Jukka Rahkonen-