Geonode data upload

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Problems I discovered when Uploading Data to GeoNode

Spanish characters

Problem: Sometimes, after upload names of attributes or attribute values are not correctly represented, i.e. Categor�A

Solution: This is an encoding problem. Before hitting the upload button in geonode, select the file encoding. In most cases it encoding is Latin 1.

Transformation error

Problem: The shapefile upload fails with an error. In particular I get:

java.lang.RuntimeException: transform error

and also (looking /usr/share/geoserver/data/logs/geoserver.log) I got:

Caused by: transform error
       at org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder.getLatLonBounds(
       at org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder.doSetupBounds(
       at org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder.setupBounds(
       ... 88 more
Caused by: org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.ProjectionException: Transformation doesn't convergence.
       at org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.MapProjection.inv_mlfn(
       at org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.TransverseMercator.inverseTransformNormalized(

Solution: The problem is that there seems to be a misfit with the projection (remember, Chile's Easter Island is far off, so UTM 19S is perhaps not so good working as it is not in zone 19). To solve this issue I re-saved the shapefile as WGS84 (epsg 4326) in geographic coordinates (and also I used UTF-8 character encoding, just to make sure). This new shapefile I was able to load in GeoNode 2.0