Movement Analysis

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We have create a toolbox for the free GIS software OpenJUMP that allows to analyse movement data, called OpenJUMP HoRAE- Home Range Analysis and Estimation.


OpenJUMP HoRAE Screenshot

The toolbox contains functions for visualization of movement tracks and allows the creation and analysis of animal home ranges. Home range estimation methods that have been implemented are (i) Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP), (ii) Kernel Density Estimation (KDE), (iii) Line-based KDE, (iv) Brownian Bridges, (v) Local Convex Hulls (see the article below). The toolbox was originally developed to analyse location data from grizzly bears (ursus arctos) collected with GPS collars within the Grizzly Bear Programm of the Foothills Research Institute (FRI, Alberta, Canada). Funding was provided by GEOIDE.



We work on a wiki page with some more online documentation.


You can contact me, Stefan Steiniger, writing an email to sstein(=at=) Alternatively you may contact Andrew Hunter.