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(Tar/zip of the (uploaded) GeoNode file data and docs - on CedeusGeonode Vm)
(Tar/zip of the (uploaded) GeoNode file data and docs - on CedeusGeonode Vm)
Line 91: Line 91:
*: => '''ToDo''': perhaps change this last step and copy it to cedeusgis1 for straight backup on a drive
*: => '''ToDo''': perhaps change this last step and copy it to cedeusgis1 for straight backup on a drive
=== Tar/zip of the (uploaded) GeoNode file data and docs - on CedeusGeonode Vm ===
=== Tar/zip of the (uploaded) GeoNode file data and docs - on CedeusGeonode Vm (13080) ===
It seems its best to do a one-time backup of stuff that does not seem to change that much, such as:
It seems its best to do a one-time backup of stuff that does not seem to change that much, such as:

Revision as of 14:41, 9 December 2014

>> return to Cedeus_IDE

How to set up Automated Backups

The Objective of this exercise is to have an automated backup process of user-profiles and user contributed data, that is copied to a portable medium at least once a week.

General Workflow to Create the Backups

The backups contain several steps. Usually they consist of:

  1. create a script that contain commands to
    • create a database dump =or= tar/zip the files in a particular folder
    • copy this dump file or zip archive to another machine from where it can be easily copied to portable medium, i.e. tape
  2. create a cron tab entry that runs the backup script(s) at some set intervall, e.g. each night at 1am

Below now some personal notes on how to set things up:


To get notified about the backups via email, a/the shell script may send emails via "mailx" - i.e Nail. => see http://klenwell.com/press/2009/03/ubuntu-email-with-nail/

Btw. postfix may work as well

=> ToDo: Install mail program

Example: cron Job that makes a Dump of the GeoNode DB

  • create a shell script that contains the pgdump instructions - see for example /home/ssteinig/pgdbbackup.sh on CedeusDB
  • test if script or script execution actually works. A simple script for testing may perhaps be this (/home/ssteinig/touchy.sh)
touch /home/ssteinig/ftw.text
  • create a cron-tab entry for user ssteinig with "crontab -e"
    then add entry such as "00 01 * * * sh /home/ssteinig/geonodegisdb93backup.sh" to run the dump script daily at 1am
    => when using the user "postgres" to do the db dump
  • check also if the cron is running: "sudo service cron status" otherwise start it...
  • to see what the cron tab contains use "crontab -l"

Dump example script geonodegisdb93backup.sh

touch $logfile

echo "Starting backup of databases " >> $logfile
dateinfo=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`
timeslot=`date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M'`
/usr/bin/vacuumdb -z -h localhost -U postgres geonodegisdb93  >/dev/null 2>&1
/usr/bin/pg_dump -U postgres -i -F c -b geonodegisdb93 -h -f $backup_dir/geonodegisdb93-backup-$timeslot.backup
echo "Backup and Vacuum complete on $dateinfo for database: geonodegisdb93 " >> $logfile
echo "Done backup of databases " >> $logfile
# sstein: email notification not used at the moment
# tail -16 /home/ssteinig/geonode_db_backups/pgsql.log | mailx blabla@blub.cl

This example is based on the shell script posted here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/854200/how-do-i-backup-my-postgresql-database-with-cron For a better Postgres dump script it may be worth to look here: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Automated_Backup_on_Linux

File transfer

To tranfers files I decided, for safety reasons, to create a new cedeus backup user on the receiving computer (20xxb...p).

A file transfer can be accomplished using scp or better rsync e.g.:

  • "scp /home/ssteinig/ftw.txt user@example.com:/home/backup_user/dbbackups/"
    • However, a ssh key should be generated first so no password needs to be provided. A detailed dscription can be found on: http://troy.jdmz.net/rsync/index.html
    • in short do "ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f /home/thisuser/cron/thishost-rsync-key". But do not provide a pass phrase when generating it, otherwise it will always asked for it when establishing a connection.
    • Then copy the key to the other servers users .ssh folder (using scp), and add it to the authorized_keys. (Note, the authorized_keys should be chmod 700).
    • Then we would use "scp -i /home/ssteinig/cron/thishost-rsync-key /home/ssteinig/ftw.txt user@example.com:/home/backup_user/dbbackups/"
    • note that it is probably necessary to initialize a server connection once (with whatever file), so the connection gets an ECDDSA key fingerprint.
  • having my ssh keys setup, the code for syncing the cedeusdb directory with rsync would be
    • "...ToDo..."

Performed CEDEUS Observatory Backups

Dump of the GeoNode DB - on CedeusDB

  • server: CedeusDB
  • cron job running nightly at 1:00am
  • using the script geonodegisdb93backup.sh
  • copies the PG dump file to CedeusGeoNode into folder /home/cedeusdbbackupuser/geonodedbbackups/
    => ToDo: perhaps change this last step and copy it to cedeusgis1 for straight backup on a drive

Dump of the GeoNode user db - on CedeusGeonode VM

  • server: CedeusGeoNode on geonode1204 VM
  • cron job running nightly at 1:10am
  • using the script geonodeuserdbbackup.sh
  • copies the PG dump file to CedeusGeoNode into folder /home/cedeusdbbackupuser/geonodeuserdbbackups/
    => ToDo: perhaps change this last step and copy it to cedeusgis1 for straight backup on a drive

Tar/zip of the (uploaded) GeoNode file data and docs - on CedeusGeonode Vm (13080)

It seems its best to do a one-time backup of stuff that does not seem to change that much, such as:

  • GeoNode config: "sudo tar -cvzf /home/ssteinig/geonodeConfigBackup.tgz /etc/geonode"
  • Django language strings: "sudo tar -cvzf /home/ssteinig/geonodei18nBackup.tgz /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/locale/"
  • GeoNode www-static folder: "sudo tar -cvzf /home/ssteinig/geonodeWWWBackup.tgz /var/www/geonode/" (note, this also includes the GeoNode upload folders, that are to backup-ed daily, see below)

and copy those by hand to CedeusGeoNode's /home/cedeusdbbackupuser/geonode_one_time_backup/.

Then we will backup a couple of folders that can change frequently:

  • GeoServer (i.e. contains map styles): "sudo tar -cvzf /home/ssteinig/geoserverDataBackup.tgz /usr/share/geoserver/data/"
    ... copied to /home/cedeusdbbackupuser/geoserverbackup/.
  • GeoNode www-data uploads (i.e. raster data, pdfs, etc): "sudo tar -cvzf /home/ssteinig/geonodeWWWUploadBackup.tgz /var/www/geonode/uploaded/"
    ... copied to /home/cedeusdbbackupuser/geonodewwwuploadbackup/.

Note, on other machines there may be some GeoServer data too in /var/lib/geoserver/geonode-data/, but in my machine there was nothing. (Anyway, one can use the following backup code if necessart "sudo tar -cvzf /home/ssteinig/geonodeDataBackup.tgz /var/lib/geoserver/geonode-data/")

MySQL dump for Elgg miCiudad - on CedeusGeonode VM


tar/zip of the (uploaded) Elgg miCiudad files - on CedeusGeonode VM


MySQL dump for Mediawiki(s) - on CedeusGeonode VM
