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Resultados para "OpenStreetMap"


    • stefan steiniger

      OpenStreetMap - geographic data for everyone

      ...about 110 mappers and users of OpenStreetMap (OSM) came together from Chil...howed how one can use the free OpenStreetMap data. For instance UOCT (Unid...For those who don't know OpenStreetMap yet I like to summarize it in...to get the data and how to use OpenStreetMap data in your project? Then ta...

      • stefan steiniger

        Has Santiago less street space than other cities?

        ...eet dataset we can obtain from OpenStreetMap, e.g. the ready country shape...daries in green (obtained from OpenStreetMap as well) and the road dataset...classification was used in the OpenStreetMap dataset (e.g. residential, mo...fairly conservative since the OpenStreetMap dataset that we use does not...



        • Anonymous

          ¿Shapefile de red vial para geocodificación del Gran Valparaíso?

          ...; de muchos direcciones nosotros usamos Nominatim: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/. Esto es instalado en un servidor de CEDEUS, porque el servicio de OpenStreetMap no permite muchos requests....

          • Stefan Admin

            Bajar el red vial de Santiago

            ...orio, aqui: http://cedeusdata.geosteiniger.cl/layers/geonode:santiago_teczno_2014feb_line_lu_type_contains_road_proj_utm19s Son datos de OpenStreetMap del año 2013. Tambien...


            • stefan steiniger

              OpenStreetMap - geographic data for everyone

              The last weekend I have been visiting the first State Of The Map (SOTM) - Latam conference in Santiago. At this conference about 110 mappers and users of OpenStreetMap (OSM) came together from Chile, Brasil, Argentina, Peru, the USA, etc. They discussed the progress of mapping the countries of So...

              Tags: OpenStreetMap, OSM